The world is changing at a rapid pace.
Cultures merge together, traditions soften, climatic changes put pressure on the global community, geopolitical shifts polarize, technological developments change the way we live, act and think.
Companies, political institutions, entire societies are facing an immense challenge that calls for flexibility and adaptability.
In Germany, at the heart of Europe, this will be especially evident.
Our international team walks alongside with you on this journey.
Your success means trusting in our competence.
Oannes Consulting GmbH can provide you with the necessary competence and service to achieve your goals.
Together with our highly motivated team we think far, very far beyond the horizon and often, and this is absolutely intentional, leave the norms of central European thinking behind us in order to strike new paths.
Other countries, other traditions, other customs.
Things that work in India do not necessarily work in Europe.
Discussions in Japan have a different value in another country.
The team oriented thinking is competing against the individualist.
This is what globalization brings with it.
As a result, a fusion of very different cultures is taking place.
We should consider this as an opportunity.
Rather than exclude, we should learn from each other and find the common denominator.
While respecting the basic ethical principles:
Primarily to be committed to people and thus to humanity, always keeping in mind the path of diplomacy and thus the path of peace.
Simon Jacob,